28 Jun 2019

Replant Decisions

This spring planting season has seen it all! From almost ideal conditions in a few areas, to timely planting, to floods and delayed planting, and now a mad dash to complete planting or, in some cases, start planting.

For those who did achieve success with earlier planting, the rains and flooding may have caused issues with adequate stand establishment. Replanting may be considered in some instances. Any replant decision for corn and/or soybeans needs to be rooted in a sound belief that the replant will yield at least as well or better than if the crop had not been replanted. Although emotions regarding replant can be high, this decision requires a fact-based formula, rather than an emotional response.

Attached to this Technical Bulletin are two summaries of how to look at making a fact-based decision on replant:

Tech 442 - Corn Replant Decisions
Tech 443 - Soybean Replant Decisions 

In addition to the articles attached, using some of the tools available in Advantage Acre®, especially the weather forecasting information, can aid making replant decisions.

If you think replant may be necessary, call your local LG Seeds Technical Team Agronomist to help assess your stand establishment and assist in making a fact-based replant decision.

Download a copy of this technical bulletin here: Replant Decisions