28 Jun 2019
Sales Area Manager

MEET THE TEAM - Sales Account Manager

Teamwork makes the difference between potential and success, and LG Seeds stands alone in its approach to teaming up. Our Sales Account Manager team makes it their business to help you succeed. With a Business and Agronomy Subject Matter Expert on every team, your local experts are ready to support your entire operation.

You run more than a farm—you run a business. At LG Seeds, our Business Subject Matter Experts are trained in the areas that matter most, so we can focus on improving your business success. Because your operation goes beyond just inputs, we offer resources beyond just seed. Success may be relative in your line of work, but ROI is not—so depend on a Business Subject Matter Expert to help you grow your bottom line.

An Agronomy Subject Matter Expert works with your Technical Team Agronomist to bring you cutting-edge research and product expertise. Not only are they up-to-date on the latest products and practices to advance your farm—they’re in-tune with what works in your area. An LG Seeds Agronomy Subject Matter Expert is here to ensure you make the most of every acre.

With the resources from your team of Sales Account Managers and your STAR Partner, you can take your operation to the next level.

Ready to turn your potential into success? Talk to our team today.